As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others ~ Audrey Hepburn
My core belief—you already have the ability to achieve your goals. What you may be lacking is the spark to get you going. My coaching can help you gain clarity on what’s most important to you, help you begin to take action, and build your mental fitness for the times you get stuck.
Coaching is about helping you take action on your goals.
Think of me as a GPS system trained to help you get there.
It all starts with these two questions- What do you want? What will that get you?
Identifying your core values and life purpose will provide a framework for your goals.
My mental fitness techniques will help get you unstuck and ensure you stay on track.
Empowering women (and their male allies) with financial knowhow is a deep passion of mine. My Whealthy Woman programs are built around the belief that all women can attain financial wellness. Most importantly, we owe it to our “future” selves to be competent and confident in our financial lives. As women, we need to make sure our money lives as long as we do!